Creating a data sourceΒΆ

If you need your chart to get data from a data source we do not natively support, writing a custom data source is easy. Once you do that, the data source can be used in any renderer.

To create a new data source

  1. Create a class which extends BaseDataSource or SimpleDataSource
  2. Make sure your class has implementation of get_data, get_header and get_first_column
  3. get_data Should return a NxM matrix (see example data below).

Example Data:

data = [
       ['Year', 'Sales', 'Expenses', 'Items Sold', 'Net Profit'],
       ['2004', 1000, 400, 100, 600],
       ['2005', 1170, 460, 120, 310],
       ['2006', 660, 1120, 50, -460],
       ['2007', 1030, 540, 100, 200],